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We deal with stoves every day and sometimes we get carried away with the jargon and terminology. Our glossary is a list of the phrases and words that you will find on this site. We hope that this will help you understand a little more about the functions, types, styles and features of the stoves we sell and make a more informed decision when buying your new stove. If you are unsure of any aspect of stove ownership please contact our friendly team who will be more than happy to help
- Aperture
Is the structural opening formed in your wall or chimney breast to accomodate your stove or fire. Also known as a Builders Opening or fireplace recess. Traditionally set near the floor, but we are seeing more and more contemporary 'inset' stoves designed to be positioned higher up the wall.
- Air Vent / Core Vent
If your stove is above 5kw heat output then extra ventilation is needed. An Air Vent must be fitted in the room to feed oxygen to the stove, otherwise the stove won't be able to function efficiently.
- Air wash system
The insides of the stove are designed to blow pre-heated air across the glass, helping to prevent the build up of soot and other gases.
- Ash Pan
This sits under a multi fuel grate and is removable to empty the ash when required. Many stoves now have full-width ash pans which reduce the amount of mess involved in ash removal.
- Adjustable grate
This is designed so it can be opened if burning coal and shut if burning wood to achieve maximum efficiency. Commonplace on multifuel stoves, ideally look for a stove with an externally adjustable grate.
- Baffle Plate
This is positioned inside the stove directly underneath the flue outlet so it does look as if the flue is being blocked off but this is part of the design of the chamber to get full optimum performance.
or British Standard Pipethread. This is a standard for plumbing that ensures fittings from different suppliers will all connect properly. It refers to the pitch, width and depth of the thread on a pipe.
- Carbon Monoxide
Is an odourless, colourless, tasteless, poisonous gas produced by the incomplete burning of carbon-based fuels such as wood, coal, oil and gas. Sometimes called The Silent Killer, Carbon Monoxide is very dangerous and can poison people and animals who are exposed to large amounts or small amounts over long periods of time.
- Carbon Monoxide Detector
Fitting a Carbon Monoxide detector is a legal requirement when installing a stove, it is a safety feature to inform you if carbon monoxide is present in the room.
CO Detectors supplied by Direct Stoves are all continuous test models with a seven year warranty. They feature a test button to ensure correct operation. Batteries (included) should be tested regularly and replaced when necessary. CO Detectors are not smoke alarms and should be used in addition to these.
- Consumables
Although all stoves have a minimum of a 1 year guarantee, this does not cover certain parts of the stove. These parts include glass, rope seal, fire bricks and the fuel grate, these are considered consumables. If the brick or glass cracks it is because the stove has been fired incorrectly or has been knocked.
- Convection heat
Convection currents occur when air particles with lots of heat energy rise and cooler air particles fall into warm areas. Heat is transferred from place to place around the room.
- Double sided stove
A door on both sides of the stove ideal for two rooms that share a fireplace or a large open-plan area, gives great views of the fire from both sides.
- External Combustion Kit
This takes air directly from outside into the stove which eliminates the need for extra ventilation in the room. This is also known as a ducting kit or direct venting.
We have a large range of multifuel stoves suitable for external air kits.
- Fireplace Recess
Is a structural opening formed in the wall or chimney breast. Also known as a “Builders Opening “. See aperture for more information.
- Flue
A general term for the duct that takes the fumes from the appliance outside the building. It can variously refer to the flue pipe, the chimney, chimney lining materials or ducting fitted to the outside of the building.
- Fire Brick
These are used inside the stove, reflecting heat back into the stove enabling it to burn more efficiently and also preventing the body form getting too hot. They are normally either clay bricks or made of vermiculite board.
- Fire Cement
A high temperature clay or putty that is used to repair fireplaces, connect and seal vitreous enamel single walled stove pipe and fill gaps that are exposed to high temperatures. Fire cement sets when exposed to high temperatures and is rated at +-1000°C
- Fire Rope
Is mainly used around the inside of the stove door to create an air tight seal. Over time rope seals may compress and need replacing, gaps in the seal will affect the way the stove operates and reduce it's efficiency.
- Flexible Flue Liner
Is dropped down an existing chimney and connected to the stove which helps make the stove more efficient, work properly and makes the chimney safer.
- Flue Damper
This restricts the airflow in the flue and slows down the burning process in a wood burning stove, it's very useful on windy days especially if you live in a particularly windy location.
However it is NOT to be used with multi fuel stoves and it is best to only use when the stove manufacturer recommends it.
- Flue Outlet
All wood burning, multifuel and gas stoves need a flue to allow exhaust gases to escape. Many come with the option of rear or top exit to better suit your stove positioning needs.
- Flue spigot
The flue spigot or flue collar connects the stove to the fluepipe which in turn enters the chimney. The spigot is supplied with the stove and fits either the top or rear flue outlet. During installation the spigot is packed with fire rope and sealed with cement to ensure gases do not escape and are directed to the flue.
- Glass
Stoves have ceramic glass panels in the front to provide a view of the flames. Ceramic glass can withstand temperatures of up to 600°C Unfortunately this glass can break if hit by something from outside the stove or occasionally from a falling log or other fuel inside the stove.
Purchase replacement stove glass
- Log guard/ Spark Guard
A decorative guard found between the stove door and the firebox that prevents logs falling out or falling onto the glass.
- Maximum Log Length
The largest size log that you can put directly into the stove. Determined by the width of the firebox and by the size of the stove door.
- Operating Tool
This is supplied with the stove and is normally used to withdraw the ash pan when cleaning and in some cases is used as a multi-purpose tool to open the door, use the riddling grate and taking the ash pan out.
- Overnight Burn
By closing all the air controls down and shutting vents it should be possible to leave it all night then simply add a log in the morning and open all the vents back up without having to re- light the stove.
- Primary Air Control
The Primary Air Control regulates the main air supply to feed the fire, which usually comes from below the firebox. When lighting the fire this should be open to give the best airflow to the fire. Once the fire is established the control can be closed,
- Register Plate
A Register Plate is a sheet of galvanised steel, needed when you install a stove into a fireplace with an existing chimney. The register plate seals off the chimney so that only the flue connection of the stove is passing through it.
If you are not lining your chimney, then the register plate is essential for the stove to work properly. The chimney will not be able to 'draw' on the stove.
If you are lining your chimney and insulating around the liner, then the register plate holds the insulation in place.
A register plate also stops heat escaping up into the chimney void - you want the heat in your house, not out of the chimney.
A register plate also stops debris from the chimney falling into the fireplace and onto the stove.
- Riddling Grate
The riddling grate is used as a fuel bed in multifuels stoves. Solid fuels need a supply of air from below to burn effectively however, as the fuel turns to ash the air supply can be blocked off. A riddling grate is a moveable grate that when operated allows the ash to fall through the grate and so keep the air supply constant.
- Stove pipe
This is a single walled vitreous enamel pipe that takes the fumes up into the chimney flue or to the twin walled insulated flue. This pipe is to be only a short length and it is recommended to not use more than 1.5 metres before going into twin wall insulated or connecting to a flue liner.
- Stove pipe with door
This is the same as a standard stove pipe but has an access hole with a door for situations where there is no way of accessing the chimney for maintenance and sweeping.
- Secondary Air control
This determines the amount of air drawn into the chamber to aid the combustion process so more of the gases are burnt.
- Side loading door
Located at the side of the stove and can aid in the loading process enabling slightly longer logs to be entered. Generally used in an open plan situation or large inglenook.
- Tertiary Air control
This introduces air at the last stage of combustion just before the gases enter the chimney. This extracts the most out of the fuel and reduces the emissions given off even further.
- Twin wall insulated Pipe
This is a man-made double skinned product to be used in situations where there is no chimney. This must be used when going through walls, ceilings and roofs.